LamdaFX News | 27.06.19
USD/JPY has lost 0.1% in the last session.
The Dollar-Yen pair has lost 0.1% in the last session. The Stochastic-RSI is currently overbought.
EUR/USD has lost 0.2% in the last session.
The Euro-Dollar pair has lost 0.2% in the last session. The ATR remains in the low volatility area.
Bitcoin has gained 3.8% in the last session.
Bitcoin has gained 16.9% in three sessions, up 3.8% in the last session. The Stochastic-RSI remains overbought.
GBP/USD has lost 0.4% in the last session.
The Sterling-Dollar pair has lost 0.4% in the last session. The ATR remains in the low volatility area.
Too big to be let loose.
Facebook’s Libra coin closely watched by authorities.
Facebook’s intentions to issue its own Cryptocurrency could lead regulators to take a closer look at crypto assets.
Gold rides the waves of tension.
Gold soars to six-year high as trade, Iran tensions mount.
Gold soared to almost a six-year high on escalating U.S.-Iran tensions and U.S.-Sino trade anxiety.
The race for Bitcoin.
The public dashes for the bunkers- Gold and Bitcoin.
Gold, Japan’s yen, top-rated government bonds, and even bitcoin – investors have dashed for havens and alternative assets this week.